Everything You Need For A Family Hunting Adventure

Canada is the perfect place for a family hunting adventure. The country’s vast and beautiful wilderness offers a wide variety of animals, which means Canada is a year-round, season to season hunting ground for people all across the world. And those people aren’t just adults; there are also lots of families who enjoy hunting in Canada. After all, hunting is a great outdoor activity for kids – but what do you need to pack for a family hunting trip with children?

Whether you are hunting ducks or bears, here is everything you will need for a family hunting adventure.


The first thing that you need to do is pack clothing that is suited to the area you are visiting. If there is a chance of rain or wetlands you should pack waterproofs, if you are heading somewhere cold you will need lots of layers and thermals, while if you are visiting somewhere warm you may want to pack a bit lighter. It is also essential to pick up some proper hunting shoes; you need boots that will keep your feet warm and dry, and if you are heading somewhere snowy you may want to bring snowshoes as well.


You will need to pack equipment, but the specific equipment that you need will depend on the game that you are hunting. You will need a few other tools, as well; pack a knife for field dressing your game, and if you want to make sure that you have an effective hunt you should bring proper scopes, optics, and bullets. You will also need safety hunting equipment such as a waterproof first aid kit, especially if this is your first family hunting trip, and you may need a permit depending on where you are hunting.

GPS Devices

GPS devices are very useful for tracking, so they improve the chances of your family having a successful hunt. This doesn’t need to be complicated; a compass should suffice! But that isn't all; the GPS device will reduce your chances of getting lost, which is very important if you are hunting in a new area.

Other Essentials

A tent is essential if you are planning a hunt that lasts a few days, and if you are staying in a cold area it can be useful to invest in heated sleeping pads for your children to so they avoid heat loss while camping. You should also bring food and water for a day trip, and sleeping equipment if you are planning on staying overnight. Granola is a great food option as it will give you a good energy boost, but other good options include sandwiches, beef jerky, fruit or energy bars to keep you going. And don’t forget to pack toilet roll!

A family hunting trip is a great way to make memories with your children. It is also a great bonding experience that will teach them more about wildlife and the world around them – just make sure that you pack everything that you need so that your trip is fun, rather than stressful.

2018 Apr 12th Jess Walter

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