Turkey Hunting Tips for Beginners

The turkey is a wily animal that provides an exciting challenge for most hunters. They are tough to hunt and it takes a skillful approach to bag one. At Al Flaherty's, we are always happy to talk about hunting, and we will use this blog post to discuss the best ways to hunt wild turkeys.

One of the first things we suggest to beginners and experienced woodsmen alike is to make sure you have the proper hunting clothes in Canada. Turkeys are very easily spooked and have keen vision, so it's best to blend into your surroundings as much as you can with camouflage clothing.

Another thing to consider is that you want to choose purposely designed hunting clothes for a couple of reasons. Firstly, these clothes are durable and made to protect you from the elements. They are also designed to be comfortable while you are stalking your prey through the bush or putting in long hours waiting in a blind. High-quality clothes are made of cloth that doesn't swish or make other sounds when you are walking, making it easier to approach game. Some types of hunting clothes even help mask your scent.

A blind and a good spotting scope are also two other tools that you will find very useful once you set out to hunt turkeys. But adding a turkey decoy or call to your hunting gear will go a long way toward having a successful day. We also suggest a turkey choke for your shotgun to help keep the spread nice and tight.

Contact us anytime at Al Flaherty's if you wish to learn more about turkey hunting and the benefits of using high-quality hunting clothes.

2021 Oct 26th

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