Why You Should Use Non-Toxic Ammunition when Waterfowl Hunting

Non-Toxic Ammunition in CanadaFor many years, when hunters went out to find waterfowl, they packed up their lead shot without hesitation and went off into the marsh. That was 30 years ago, though. Today, we know just how dangerous lead shots can be to the environment and the animals we love to hunt. Scavengers such as foxes, coyotes, and even the waterfowl themselves could end up ingesting the poisonous lead—which can then end up in our water supply.

Thankfully, the solution for ethical waterfowl hunting is here with non-toxic ammunition in Canada. There are many options out there for you to choose from, too, including a large-pellet steel shot and tungsten—which hits like a hammer and maintains the speed at extreme distances. You can also try bismuth, which is excellent for classic shotguns since it won’t be as harmful to an older barrel as some of the other non-toxic alternatives.

So, don’t let the fact that WMA down the road won’t let you use lead shot. Instead, try out some reliable and deadly non-toxic ammunition and see just how effective it is for yourself. We know that when it comes time to pull the trigger, you’re not going to be wishing you had a lead in there instead.

2022 Aug 31st

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