GRZ2crossbow combines Excalibur's legendary design and technology, producing the most rugged and reliable crossbow
in its class. The compact, lightweight GRZ 2 is designed for all game in any hunting condition.
- Compact Fixed Power Scope with 1” Rings SPEED
- 4 Arrow Quiverand Bracket
- (3) Diablo Arrows
- (3) 100grField Points
- Rope Cocking Aid
- Crossbow Utility Pack (wax, lube, oil)
- Crossbow Survival Pack (String, Stringing Aid, Rope Cocking Aid)
- (3) 100gr Mechanical Broadheads
- Compact Fixed Power Scope with 1” Rings SPEED
- 4 Arrow Quiver and Bracket
- (3) Diablo Arrows
- (3) 100grField Points
- Rope Cocking Aid
- Crossbow Utility Pack (wax, lube, oil)
- Crossbow Survival Pack (String, Stringing Aid, Rope Cocking Aid)
- (3) 100gr Mechanical Broadheads 26.5”